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Sigh, yes these pictures are from April in Paris and here it is August in Allentown, PA! Good intentions got me nowhere as I swore I would commit to write about my trip shortly after I returned. But, in my defense, quite frankly I have a very good reason. I came home and put my beloved home that is pictured through out this blog on the market – yes out on the free market, the altar, the MLS, however you want to think of it. I think of it as an altar of sacrifice. God has called us out of this home and into the City of Allentown. I will blog about this in an upcoming post, however, for now back to the Seine, back to the romance of Paris.

There are two major markets in Paris. The biggie, world famous one is Marche aus puces St. Ouen (pronounced “Twan”) found off the St. Denis Metro Stop. The second major market is Marche aux Puces de la Porte de Vanves which is the Porte de Vanves metro stop on the south side of Paris. These pictures are from the Vanve market. I personally favor this market as it is more casual like an outdoor garage sale in the US. The market up north is more serious as it has permanent booths and I find it to have higher prices. I have pictures from that market that I will share on an upcoming post. But for now, Vanve. I found all sorts of fun things, all of them less than $50, some $10, some $20 each – to me that is a good deal. Here are a few of my finds:

I found a pair of these sweet decanters. I am always a sucker for black and white! If I recall, I paid 25 Euros (which is almost equal to dollars, may be $27) for the set…not bad!

This cool old glass jar. I think I fell in love with this old cork. I got this for 12 Euros. This jar will play a much more important role in my new place in Allentown. Maybe flour, brown sugar, or coffee beans – many options!

This is probably one of my favorite finds at the Vanve Market. This beautiful mini chandelier was 35 Euros! I finally YESTERDAY rewired it to US electic plug and socket. I will have to post when I hang this in our new place. My sights are set on the window above the sink where it will be appreciated every day.

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