Flea Inspiration ~ Day 2~
Thank you for coming back and taking my journey of fabulous fleas with me! Next stop...Lucketts Store.
Don't you just love this sign? Especially the cute design at the top of all the chalk drawings of garland and ornaments.
Lucketts is near Leesburg, VA and they too have monthly events. Their largest events are quarterly with the Holiday one being their second largest. The spring event is their largest - yes I will be attending and heck, maybe I will go all the way and rent booth space! I will take pics at the very least. What I liked about Lucketts is the Design House feature. There is a home on the property that is open during most of their monthly events which has been decorated to the hilt. The cool thing is that you can just grab a pillow off the display bed and buy it! Here are some pictures from the design house:
These artificial Christmas trees were unique in that they were flat - great for a crowded small area like shown here in this hallway.
Other pictures from our Lucketts stop...
The old wooden dough troughs were everywhere too, shown here with lavender by the scoop!
I love ball trim, I just thought this red and white ball trim dangling from antlers was so whimsical and fun!
One other thing I forgot to mention is the assortment of food trucks there for the big events. They had Carpe Donut, homemade doughnuts - I am sorry - no picture! I did not partake, but a cute picture it would have been. They also had a closed off area where you could take your food truck yummies and have a glass of wine or beer at a table and drink away your shopping inhibitions.
So, as promised, I want to share a creative tip for each day of this flea inspiration blog.
Creative tip 2
These cloches had all sorts of things under them. In the forefront you will see a paper tree under the cloche. I want to focus on the large cloche in back. I have seen this concept before, but not exactly like this. This one is an old book with the spine and cover ripped off with an old black and white photo held to the book with a clothespin. This would be cute with an old family Christmas photo held to an old book with a decorated clothespin and a little greenery. This idea is versatile to any season - summer could have old family beach pictures with a seashell in front of the book. At Thanksgiving, old pictures of Thanksgiving feasts (even feasts you went to at your children's grade school) and leaves under the cloche with it. You get the picture! No pun intended.
Thank you so much for joining my flea inspiration trip on Day 2! Come back for my last day of the series, Day 3 where you will find more creative tips or ideas as you enter the holiday season.
Fleaing frenzied,